My favorite part about collecting information for the Choosing to Grow: Through Marriage book were the groups of women who gathered to talk with me.
The CTG groups ranged in size from four to fifteen women, and every discussion positively influenced my marriage. I hope to gather similarly-sized groups of people (it can be both men and women) to talk about some of the things I found in my research.
The presentation can be geared to the desires of the group, and the topics can vary. Some presentation topics include:
- River Rafting through Marriage: How to Equip for Pitfalls
- Surviving Children: Putting Marriage First
- Finding the "I" in Marriage
- How to Build the Safety Net: Fostering the Network of Friends and Married Couples
The book is due to be published in early March, and I can have books on hand if hostesses are willing to book the latter part of March and into April.
Mother's Day and the wedding season are right around the corner, so book a unique Bridal Shower presentation or a gab session for your busy mom friends.
I am willing to travel, if it is feasible. Minnesota and western Wisconsin bookings are possible through June 15th. I will be in Illinois March 11-March 20. Colorado bookings can happen anytime after June 17th and through August 7th. Even if you are not living in any of those places, I would consider travelling.
There will be a free autographed copy of the book for the first ten women to book a presentation.
Post a comment on this blogpost or visit my writers' facebook page and book your presentation today.