Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's not that I haven't been blogging...

Forgive me, dear blogger.  I have been absent...and cheating on you.

My blogging continues, but on wordpress. I didn't mean to cut our relationship short and run out on you, unannounced.

Believe's not you.  It's me.

My Choosing to Grow blog can be found at:

and my For the Sport of It blog address is:

Information about my current book project can be found at my website:

I do hope we can still be friends!

Yours truly,

Meagan Frank

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Book Speaks...

I am not a book.

Ok, so maybe I am a book because I have real pages (or digital ones if you roll that way) and a beautifully inspirational cover. There are words splattered all over my pages, some of which you'll adore, others you may question, and others still with which you will completely disagree.
I guess I am a book, but I am more than that too.

I am hundreds of conversations, discussions, debates, tears, smiles, and frustrations. I am a picture of living rooms and coffee houses, dining room tables and libraries.

I am a journey: a transformation from desperation to joy.

I am all of those things, and I am not stagnant enough to be a book on a shelf. I am alive, and my conversation is far from over. There is more to be said, more to be heard, more to be transformed, and I am just a part of all that people are saying.

I guess I'm kindof like marriage in that way.

Marriage is a journey, frought with tears, smiles, frustrations and heartache. It is an ongoing conversation that is ever-evolving and individually unique.

We make a good match, marriage and me. We are alive and intertwined, and ready to embark on this journey together.

We do hope you'll join us!

If you are a facebook fan, you may like my daily conversation about marriage on my own site. Choosing to Grow: Through Marriage

If you like blog articles, my author, Meagan Frank, writes about marriage sometimes...but she gets distracted and writes about all sorts of other things too. Her blog is Choosing to Grow.

Oh yeah, I guess I should tell you where you can find copies of me. I am on the presses right now (most definitely an out-of-body experience). You can order autographed copies directly from Meagan. is also carrying the books and the Kindle version is coming soon.

I want to thank TreasureLine Publishing for giving me life. They became a part of the conversation about a year ago, and they believe in where this conversation is going.

So much to be said, and so little time...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WANTED: CTG Hostesses


My favorite part about collecting information for the Choosing to Grow: Through Marriage book were the groups of women who gathered to talk with me.

The CTG groups ranged in size from four to fifteen women, and every discussion positively influenced my marriage.  I hope to gather similarly-sized groups of people (it can be both men and women) to talk about some of the things I found in my research.

The presentation can be geared to the desires of the group, and the topics can vary.  Some presentation topics include: 
  • River Rafting through Marriage: How to Equip for Pitfalls 
  • Surviving Children:  Putting Marriage First
  • Finding the "I" in Marriage
  • How to Build the Safety Net:  Fostering the Network of Friends and Married Couples
For any of the presentations, I would be willing to read a portion of the book, if that is of interest to the participants.

The book is due to be published in early March, and I can have books on hand if hostesses are willing to book the latter part of March and into April.

Mother's Day and the wedding season are right around the corner, so book a unique Bridal Shower presentation or a gab session for your busy mom friends.

I am willing to travel, if it is feasible.  Minnesota and western Wisconsin bookings are possible through June 15th.  I will be in Illinois March 11-March 20.  Colorado bookings can happen anytime after June 17th and through August 7th.  Even if you are not living in any of those places, I would consider travelling.

There will be a free autographed copy of the book for the first ten women to book a presentation.

Post a comment on this blogpost or visit my writers' facebook page and book your presentation today.